Action Adventure Fantasy Open-World
As the dust settles in Gotham City, Batman is pulled back into Arkham City by its last remaining super-criminal - Harley Quinn. Now more lethal than ever and leading a homicidal gang of her own, she is hell-bent on taking her revenge against the Dark Knight.
68,99 €
Add to BasketAction Adventure Modern Sci-Fi General
The latest title from the mind of game creator SUDA51 serving as a spiritual successor to previous cult favorites No More Heroes and Killer 7. Stylish cel-shaded visuals set the mood in this gritty, bloody, ultra-violent world where biomechanical augmentations increase the power of criminals and “executioners” alike. Mondo Zappa, a newly recruited executioner, hunts criminals wielding a Japanese sword in his right hand, and powerful biomechanical engineering in his left.
72,99 €
Add to BasketAction Action Adventure Shooter Modern General First-Person
In a city where information is heavily monitored, agile couriers called runners transport sensitive data away from prying eyes. In this seemingly utopian paradise, a crime has been committed, your sister has been framed and now you are being hunted. You are a runner called faith - and this innovative first-person action-adventure is your story. Flow is what keeps you running, what keeps you alive. Mirror's Edge delivers you straight into the shoes of this unique heroine as she traverses the vertigo-inducing cityscape, engaging in intense combat and fast paced chases. With a never before seen sense of movement and perspective, you will be drawn into Faith's world. A world that is visceral, immediate, and very dangerous. Live or die? Soar or plummet? One thing is certain: in this city you will learn how to run. [Electronic Arts]
75,99 €
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