Action Adventure Open-World
Unfolding entirely from an overhead, god’s-eye perspective, the adventure centers on Ash, a new mortal champion following a series of catastrophic disasters. Ash’s mission is to travel to a new land, the Pyrite Island, to find and reunite the gods who left Olympos in a huff after a falling-out with Zeus. These “lost gods,” including Poseidon and Hades, will all need to be convinced to return to the Pantheon and restore balance to the world. Naturally, there are plenty of monsters standing between them and Ash, which players can dispatch using a new, brawler-inspired combat system.
31,99 €
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The game that incorporates RPG, action, adventure, and 1st-person shooter genres into a chaotic blend of real-world conspiracies, cliffhangers, and plot twists. A richly simulated world of unparalleled interactivity, engineered to react logically to your every action. The decisions and consequences are yours. [Eidos Interactive]
92,99 €
Add to BasketAdventure Point-and-Click
Same Stitch is the fifth and final episode of Batman: The Enemy Within. The episode will follow Batman as he confronts either Amanda Waller and the Agency or a menace he has helped create.
75,99 €
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LEGO Star Wars combines two childhood favourites, LEGO and Star Wars, to create an innovative and exciting action-adventure title designed for young gamers. The game is based on "The Phantom Menace," "Attack of the Clones" and the eagerly awaited "Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith." Blending the unique world of designs of LEGO toys with the unforgettable characters of the prequel eras of the Star Wars universe, LEGO Star Wars will offer dynamic vehicles, environments and characters to young players, who will be able to live all of the adventures of the most memorable and exciting scenes from the Star Wars films. [Eidos Interactive]
70,99 €
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