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Note!This is a sandbox website used for web scraping. Information listed in this website does not have any real meaning and should not be associated with the actual products.


Developer: Zipper InteractivePlatform:Type: multiplayer

2026: The Post WW3 political climate forces the world's superpowers to eliminate their military and turn to Private Military Corporation. The three largest PMCs engage in a Shadow War to control the global, paramilitary contract market. Enlist and enter the world of MAG. Join a Private Military Corporation and begin your paramilitary career. Intense 256 player FPS battles are fueled by a simple Command & Control system. Gain a personal advantage by working as a team. Enlist and pursue the career of your choosing with one of three different PMCs (Private Military Corporations). Customize your look and select your skills and equipment to create your own custom warrior. Each victory will strengthen your PMC’s standing with the Global Superpowers; resulting in faction and player benefits. Your contributions matter. [SCEA]

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