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My World, My Way

My World, My Way

Developer: Global APlatform:Type: singleplayer

Elise is a beautiful princess who has been given everything she’s ever wanted. Upon turning 15, she realizes there’s only one thing in the world she lacks - a handsome boyfriend. She sets out to remedy this by asking her father to hold a ball in her honor, to which every prince from every kingdom is invited to come and try their hand at wooing her. However, only one young man catches Elise’s eye, and, as it turns out, he is no prince, but an adventurer. Knowing that fate itself has ordained him as her true love, she confesses her desire to share in his exciting life... Only to be flat out rejected. He tells her, "If it is truly your desire is to be with an adventurer such as me, I would ask you first to do something with that long hair. Cast aside that frilly dress, and don a suit of armor. Gain some experience in battle, and when you have matured, we shall meet again. Until then, I bid you farewell." And so, much to the Kingdom’s shock and dismay, Elise, the clueless princess, sets out on her adventure! It’s her world, her way, and as long as she can help the weak, slay the monsters, and win enough fame, she’ll get her happily ever after! Alter the landscape to get your way! Different terrain options will open up different opportunities for new enemies and items, and give you power over your adventure. Pouting is power, and developing your selfishness is key to getting the Pout Points that will give you options to force the world to behave. Delight in the off-the-wall journey of a spoiled princess whose selfishness fuels her ability to successfully become an adventurer. [Atlus USA]

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