Action Adventure Open-World
A mysterious agent, capable of becoming a digital ghost, sneaks aboard the Nakamura Space Station. This is where the fun begins: the station is well-protected with its heavy defences, never-ending arsenal of weapons, and mysterious artifacts. It will all have to be destroyed.
74,99 €
Add to BasketAction Adventure Modern General
Solid Snake returns in Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance, the expanded edition of Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty with all-new game modes, hidden characters and storylines. Top-secret weapons technology is being mysteriously transported under cover of an oil tanker to an unknown destination. It's up to Snake to infiltrate the transport and keep this deadly weapon of mass destruction from falling into the wrong hands! Featuers 350+ VR Missions and 150+ Alternate Missions, as well as 5 all-new "Snake Tales" side stories. [Konami]
73,99 €
Add to BasketAction Adventure General
In this game you’ll explore a huge undersea world, both free-diving and in a submarine. It’s a metroidvania style of progression where you are constantly getting new abilities and figuring out ways to upgrade them as you take on the seemingly impossible obstacles that stand in your way. It’s a challenging journey, designed to test your mind and your reflexes in equal amounts. [Insomniac]
71,99 €
Add to BasketAction Action Adventure Shooter General First-Person Sci-Fi Arcade
TRON 2.0 is the present-day sequel to the 1982 cult film classic that wasa landmark of computerized graphical ingenuity. TRON 2.0, is a story-driven, first-person action game that propels the player into an alternate universe inside a computer. As Jet Bradley (son of the original films hero Alan Bradley) you will combat digital opponents using guns, rods, grenades, missiles, and the iconic TRON disc. Combining the best of the genre with a truly innovative look and breakthrough game play, TRON 2.0 delivers an adventure unlike any other. It will take PC gaming to a new level with intense action, intense and deadly battles, and high-speed light cycle races. [Disney]
83,99 €
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